Part 1: On 21st Century Excesses & Deficiencies
While our basic human physiology is largely unchanged, never in history have we collectively contended with as many unremitting and insidious insults to our wellbeing and vibrancy as we do today.
Part 2: Addressing 21st Century Excesses & Deficiencies
This post follows on from Part 1 - On 21st Century Excesses & Deficiencies. You'll hear my thoughts on how to restore yourself to your most optimal level of wellbeing after physical and mental health difficulties, using a range of nutritional and lifestyle interventions.
The Subtle Erosion of your Pleasure Centre
There seems to be none more insidious a mis-match in our 21st century than that of the interaction between our brains learning and reward centre and the modern environment we now contend with.
Psych Impersonators - The Sleep & Mood Edition
The age-old "how did you sleep last night" question is one we commonly ask each other, but do we ever ask each other: "how have you lived your day to optimise your sleep tonight?"
Kiwi Men: Stressed & Depressed
This talk was written for men and it was given in the context of several other complimentary talks by my Ancestral Health Society colleagues Jamie Scott, Phil Becker, Andrew Dickson and my co-presenter Felicity Leahy.
Part 2: Stressed & Depressed - Practical Solutions for Kiwi Men
This talk was a collaboration between Felicity Leahy (Naturopath and Clinical Herbalist) and I, as we’ve been working with many clients with a dual approach over the past year or so.
Part 3: Stressed & Depressed - Naturopathic Solutions
Recent science tells us that food does affect mood, and a healthy diet can help treat depression.